St. Isaac the Syrian (Homily 51 from his Ascetical Homilies)

  • April 28, 2020 by Fr. John Phelps

If you love gentleness, be peaceful. If you are deemed worthy of peace, you will rejoice at all times. Seek understanding, not gold. Clothe yourself with humility, not fine linen. Gain peace, not a worldly kingdom. No man has prudence if he is not humble, and he who lacks humility is devoid of prudence. No man is humble if he is not peaceful, and he who is not peaceful is not humble. And no man is peaceful without rejoicing. In all the paths upon which men journey in this world, they will find no peace until they draw nigh to hope in God. The heart finds no peace from toil and from stumbling-blocks, until hope enters it, makes it peaceful, and pours joy into it. That worshipful and all-holy mouth spoke of this when it said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Draw nigh, He says, and hope in Me, and find rest from labor and fear.

The Son of God endured the Cross, therefore let us sinners boldly rely on repentance. If the form of repentance averted God’s wrath from Ahab, surely our sincere repentance will not now be unprofitable to us. If the form of humility turned aside divine wrath from him who was insincere, how much more will it from us who sincerely grieve over our falls? Sorrow of mind suffices to take the place of all bodily labor. Saint Gregory says, “He is a temple of grace who is united with God and is constant in his concern over His judgement.” What is concern over God’s judgement? It is a continual seeking after His rest; mourning at all times and a contrite meditation on account of those things that always remain imperfect because of the wretchedness of our nature; constant sadness on their account, which the mind retains through powerful thoughts and offers up before God in prayer as an offering with humble compunction; and, inasmuch as is possible and is within a man’s power, to hold solicitude for the body in disdain. Such is the man who carries in his soul the continuous memory of God. As Saint Basil says, “Undistracted prayer is that which produces in the soul a distinct reflection on God. And God’s indwelling is this: to have God established in us by [unceasing] memory of Him.” In this manner we become temples of God. Is this not concern with a contrite heart toward preparation for the resurrection? To God be glory unto the ages of ages. Amen.