Bright Week 2023 Schedule
- April 14, 2023
- by Fr. John Phelps
During the week-long celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the schedule of our mission will be as follows:Bright Tuesday, April 189:00 am Paschal Divine Liturgy6:00 pm Paschal VespersBright Wednesday, April 196:00 pm Paschal Office6:30 pm Youth Group PotluckBright Thursday, April 207:00 a…
Lent 2023 Schedule
- March 14, 2023
- by Fr. John Phelps
The general schedule during Great Lent 2023 will be as follows:5:30 pm Saturday - Great Vespers8:15 am Sunday - Orthros & Divine Liturgy6:30 am Monday - Jesus Prayer6:00 pm Monday - Great Compline6:00 pm Wednesday - Presanctified Liturgy9:00 pm Friday - Small Compline w/ AkathistNote: there will be …
A Beneficial Article by Metropolitan Joel of Edessa
- June 3, 2020
- by Fr. John Phelps
Considering all that has occurred recently with the pause of the Divine Services due to this unprecedented virus, I would like to humbly present the position of our Holy Church concerning whether diseases can be spread through the Holy Mysteries or through other sanctifying practices of the Church: …
Let us stand well; let us stand with fear, faith and love
- April 28, 2020
- by Fr. John Phelps
Demetrios Tselengides, Professor of Dogmatic Theology of the Theological University of Thessaloniki Note: the translation of this letter was recently sent to us by the sisters of Saint John the Forerunner, along with a word of encouragement from Gerondissa Efpraxia. We are found before events with a…