Patience will open the gates of Paradise
- April 28, 2020
- by Fr. John Phelps
Elder Ephraim of Arizona: (from Counsels from the Holy Mountain) Note: this was recently emailed to us by the sisters of Saint John the Forerunner, along with a note of encouragement. How much loss a person suffers when he forgets his sonship and does not reflect that he is disciplined as a child of…
St. Isaac the Syrian (Homily 51 from his Ascetical Homilies)
- April 28, 2020
- by Fr. John Phelps
If you love gentleness, be peaceful. If you are deemed worthy of peace, you will rejoice at all times. Seek understanding, not gold. Clothe yourself with humility, not fine linen. Gain peace, not a worldly kingdom. No man has prudence if he is not humble, and he who lacks humility is devoid of prude…
Holy Week 2017 Schedule
- April 3, 2017
- by Fr. John Phelps
Dear Ones, Great Lent is nearly over, and we begin Holy Week Friday evening. This year, our Holy Week schedule will be as follows: Friday, April 7 6:30 PM: Small Compline with the Canon of Saint Lazarus Lazarus Saturday, April 8 8:15 AM: Festal Orthros & Divine Liturgy 6:30 PM: Vespers with Litia & …